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Dyslexia: How Cognitive Training at Brainbox Tackles Dyslexia

Posted by Jan J. Silic on Aug 1, 2024 2:29:07 AM

Happy child (1)Dyslexia, a common learning disability, affects the way individuals process language, often making reading, writing, and spelling a challenge. While traditional educational approaches may provide some support, they often fall short in addressing the root cognitive issues associated with dyslexia. At Brainbox Kuwait, we believe in a different approach – one that focuses on enhancing the brain's cognitive abilities to overcome and, in many cases, eliminate the symptoms of dyslexia.

Understanding Dyslexia and Its Challenges

Dyslexia is not a reflection of a person's intelligence but rather a difficulty in processing written and spoken language. Individuals with dyslexia may struggle with:

  • Decoding Words: Difficulty breaking down words into their component sounds, leading to slow and inaccurate reading.
  • Reading Fluency: Reading at a slower pace and with more effort, which can affect comprehension and retention of information.
  • Spelling and Writing: Challenges in spelling words correctly and writing coherently due to difficulties in translating sounds into written language.

These challenges can significantly impact academic performance, self-esteem, and overall quality of life. Traditional interventions often focus on compensatory strategies rather than addressing the underlying cognitive deficits. This is where cognitive training comes into play.

The Brainbox Approach to Dyslexia

At Brainbox Kuwait, our cognitive training programs are designed to strengthen the brain's core cognitive skills, such as memory, attention, processing speed, and auditory and visual processing. These skills are crucial for efficient reading and language comprehension. Here's how our approach works:

1. Personalized Assessment and Training Programs

Every individual with dyslexia experiences it differently, so our first step is a comprehensive assessment to identify specific cognitive weaknesses. Based on this assessment, we create a personalized training program tailored to each individual's unique needs.

2. Intensive and Engaging Cognitive ExercisesDSCF0724

Our cognitive training involves a series of targeted exercises that are both intensive and engaging. These exercises are designed to:

  • Improve Phonemic Awareness: Enhancing the ability to recognize and manipulate sounds in words, which is foundational for reading and spelling.
  • Boost Working Memory: Strengthening the capacity to hold and manipulate information in mind, aiding in reading comprehension and fluid thinking.
  • Enhance Processing Speed: Increasing the speed at which the brain processes information, leading to more fluent reading and quicker cognitive responses.
  • Strengthen Visual and Auditory Processing: Improving the brain’s ability to interpret and respond to visual and auditory stimuli, essential for accurate reading and language skills.

3. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation

Our programs are dynamic and responsive, with continuous monitoring of progress. We adapt the training intensity and focus areas based on ongoing assessments to ensure optimal results.

baderThe Benefits of Cognitive Training for Dyslexia

Cognitive training at Brainbox Kuwait offers several significant benefits for individuals with dyslexia:

  • Improved Reading Skills: Enhanced phonemic awareness and processing speed lead to more accurate and fluent reading.
  • Better Comprehension and Retention: Strengthened working memory and attention skills improve the ability to understand and remember what is read.
  • Increased Confidence and Self-Esteem: As reading and language skills improve, so does self-confidence, reducing the anxiety and frustration often associated with dyslexia.
  • Long-Term Success: Unlike compensatory strategies that may only offer temporary relief, cognitive training builds lasting improvements in the brain's ability to process language.

Success Stories at Brainbox

Many of our clients at Brainbox Kuwait have experienced transformative results. From struggling readers who now excel in their studies to individuals who have gained newfound confidence in their abilities, the success stories are a testament to the effectiveness of our cognitive training programs.


Dyslexia can pose significant challenges, but it does not have to define a person's future. With the right approach, it is possible to overcome and even eliminate the symptoms of dyslexia. At Brainbox Kuwait, we are dedicated to unlocking the full potential of every individual through innovative and personalized cognitive training. If you or a loved one is struggling with dyslexia, reach out to us today and discover how our programs can make a profound difference in your life.

Together, we can turn the challenges of dyslexia into opportunities for growth and success.

Tags: BrainBox, Cognitive Training, Dyslexia